Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hello 2010. And Hello new update! :O
I seriously have not submitted anything new in quite some time now have I? D:
Life has been busy and lack of work has definitely kicked me in the butt. I foresee
this stump to be happening for quite sometime some more D:

and to answer everyones questions. Yes. Shin has flown back to Japan. Hence the lack of updates from both him and me but that doesnt necessarily mean I've stopped updated DA.

I will do my best at getting more creative projects done and whatnot!

Now for an update! :O

/Anime Los Angeles & Hollywood: ALA was fun, tbh I didnt stay there long at all! haha. Me and :iconphantomofdevil: went to Hollywood as well to try and catch up on whatever was left of the X-Japan Video shoot!
>3 photos from that event is located on my photobucket:
there should be over 200+ still images and I also created over 20 gifs out of the photos taken from the video shoot. We got there at 10ish and stayed till midnight since we didnt leave San Diego till saturday afternoon. We spent the morning in Balboa Park shooting her Lamento costume and ran back to my place to change into our Trinity Blood outfits.

We didnt stay in costume long both days of the con /: and having arrived late both days
there really wasnt much to say about it haha!

/Fanime: YES! Your read me right >3 I will be going to Fanime this year! 8DDD
I will also be celebrating my birthday there >3 cosplays for Fanime will be announced later on! Me and :iconphantomofdevil: will also try to be getting a Artist Ally table! We will be bringing alot of Visual Kei inspired items there. From t-shirts to prints!

most likely will not be bringing any TB costumes on my part since I'd prefer to be comfortable to this con and have the ability to walk around freely haha xD and I definitely believe both Seth and Esther could use ALOT of work D:

/zomfg new hair:

LOL This is what happens when your room mate uses the bathroom for too long and leaving you with bleach on your hair longer than expected! hahahahaha
my friends was just trying to lift my hair a shade or two lighter compared to what I had on my DA ID but we ended up having to leave the bleach a couple more minutes longer xDll
ohh myy its so blonde haha I've never really had my entire head THIS blonde THIS long haha!
normally I only get my hair this light in preparation to dying it blue or red or something obnoxious!
but its a new year so its time for new changes, right? xD
and considering I work a desk job, I doubt my boss at my second job would appreciate me walking in with crazy hair color lol.
I miss my bright bold obnoxious red hair xD haha

but yes, thats the update for now! I should try and attempt to update more!