Busy is busy @.@ haha. I'm having to have to recap my entries for this blog now haha.
Preping for PMX! We are 2 weeks away from PMX and still so much more to do! HAHAHA
and a little shopping was done too:
lol, I like the new 'short' cups at Starbucks. Secret menu for the win :D
their not advertised on their store but you can certainly ask for them :3
I think its funny, SD is super warm in the morning but when the sun goes down
its like 'hello winter! freeze freeze freeze!', the last week we've had a spree of COLD weather and now all of a sudden, its WARM again D': I decided to give them a shot since it was cold whenever we have meetings outside D': since EVERYONE and their MOM is at freakin' starbucks hogging up all the damn OUTLETS! *rage*
I use to DISLIKE Starbucks 'hot' coffee drinks but I figured I'd give it a shot >D. And now I'm addicted. mhmm~
I personally like the carmel machiatto and I just DRENCH it with vanilla powder XDDD! and whenever I fill up my point card and get free 'shots' I like to get a shot of Toffee Nut! :3
Cafe Hue, my new favorite spot to go to. IF I can FIGURE out their stupid wifi! >DDD
I mentioned in another entry, I really like their place, they have waffles, crepes, coffee (hot and cold!) and gelato! O_O review coming soon~
The boots I was raving about last week viatwitter >D
Their ANOTHER pair of Doc Martens and once again I got them for a bargain! :D I own the exact or the exact same cut in 'purple distress' :3
I normally prefer platformed boots but I love Doc Martens so I dont mind running around short in these haha!
But yes, unfortunately, you get a back logged entry for now. I've been meaning to blog for some time now but I've just been bogged down with so much stuff. Hopefully I'll FORCE myself to try and write something @.@ since theres been some events that I could more or less write about atleast. Haha.
blagh its messing up my layout copy and pasting so I'll just link you to the entry on my entry about the X Japan concert D:
hopefully a proper entry will be entered soon Haha. Thats ok, my tumblr and deviantart have both been neglected for the most part as well.