YES Because I always choose the right time to check in - drop by a notice is when I absolutely have no time in my hands qAq
Again I'm probably going to be relying on Instagram to help me back track through all these months I've been away, if you follow me on IG you can pretty much just guess whats been going on ahaha....for the most part...
I wont lie, this has been pretty much my life the last few weeks / months LOL...(oh wow no pun intended)
I was a bit apprehensive on starting League for a number of reasons ): games are addicting, no time to play them and there are certain individuals that just kinda make you not want to play a certain game. But I finally caved in >_> Do I regret my decision? Slightly LOL! but it IS a fun game but I pretty much taken a back seat to it now, but when I first started oh man ): where did my time go...still pretty much a n00b at it but its a fairly easy game to pickup if your familiar with DOTA type games and I think the biggest thing that would also help is having a good team / support system and well, knowing the champions because with so many different champions you just never know who your going to face against. (Can you tell who my main champ is?! LOLthe skins were all gifted to me too) I actually started off ADC with Ashe and Jinx but during world (before I got into the game) I was pretty curious about Ahri and picked her up after earning enough IP :3
I was a bit apprehensive on starting League for a number of reasons ): games are addicting, no time to play them and there are certain individuals that just kinda make you not want to play a certain game. But I finally caved in >_> Do I regret my decision? Slightly LOL! but it IS a fun game but I pretty much taken a back seat to it now, but when I first started oh man ): where did my time go...still pretty much a n00b at it but its a fairly easy game to pickup if your familiar with DOTA type games and I think the biggest thing that would also help is having a good team / support system and well, knowing the champions because with so many different champions you just never know who your going to face against. (Can you tell who my main champ is?! LOL
Picked up a few books from BOOK OFF for cheaps! Missed reading but again this just goes back to having enough time and everything /: but it should never be an excuse not to enjoy a good book or two. These were very easy reads, blasted through them in a weekend. So its time to hit Book Off again and peruse the isles and see what gems I stumble upon again. I lost my copy of Missin' by Novala Takemoto (the guy behind Kamikaze girls) and I got it from Book Off before ): everytime I go I'm always hoping to find another one but I should really just try Amazon...
School is finally ending and tomorrow I have to figure out what the hell I'm doing in regards to school / need to register for classes for the Spring semester and figure all that out...whatamIdoingwithmylife...Its been almost a month or I'm sure its BEEN a month or two already since my last post....Halloween came and went and I didn't do much. Well. Work. Thats what I did. Finished up signing up for my Spring semester classes and will be going back and forth between 2 colleges and then work. Contemplating if its worth taking the 3 classes or if I should just not risk it and stick to 2 classes /: since the work load is unpredictable but with any language course I feel you really need to have the time to invest in it. I have till the first few weeks to decide if I can hang or not ): But back tracking before the end of Halloween / school. In the spirits of getting all dressed up I decided to try and do something different this year or try to get into the mood of things so a few makeup tests was done, and man. Its quite tiring. IDK where you kids get the time and energy to do this LMAO by all means it IS fun but the time and effort it takes to put your wig on, makeup AND to finally snap photos. Wow. I forgot how much work it is to be a cosplayer ahaha....
PMX came and gone as well, I didn't really do much of a shoot except for Amnesia - which I still need to upload and go through and figure out what to do with. I'm usually pretty quick on turn-around on photos but things have taken a back burner on everything u_u. Got reviews need to write up and its just has not happened yet...but the photos above pretty much sums up my PMX weekend ahaha...loosing dollywink lashes and having to look for them. Seriously guys, their not easy to find ): so don't loose em! That clear band!! Argh ): Hung out with some cuties :D and cosplayers too~ aaah I haven't looked through all my PMX photos yet Saw some friends who came down from Norcal too :D but too bad we didn't really get to hang out all that much but hopefully Fanime! *w*
Of course you had to have your post con food
And since nothing really happened between PMX and well, what ever happened before and after PMX was nothing exciting other than school and homework and work...then we come across BLACK FRIDAY lol the after turkey day sale which brings madness in the states ): oh well. Last year I avoided the frenzy and went the day after and just got my phone, this year I decided to brave the midnight crowd alone. I was on a mission to get a 3DSXL after years of wanting one. I'm always late to the handheld console party and usually only buy during sales lol...I got my psp 2-3 years ago also during black friday lol....
It was a well fought battle! LOL I got inline at Target at 7:40pm Thanksgiving day since they were opening their doors early at 8pm that night versus midnight like other stores. I went to the store the day before to
Doors opened at 8. The line was wrapped around the building and I was definitely in the back, thankfully the lines were moving rather quickly. Years of mosh pits and convention crowd weaving has prepared me for this day. As soon as I got into the store I weaved through the crowd who was fighting for the TVs and everything else, being 4'10" has their advantages and disadvantages. Lucky for me I was able to maneuver through the crowd easily and got THE LAST DS ON DISPLAY AAAAH which was the red one. Shamelessly grabbed it before a lady and her other daughter did. You snooze you loose lady ): shoulda known what you were looking for before you stepped into those doors! LOL (she was asking an associate where the 3DS were) and I ran to get inline, along the way I found 2 other DS on the side, pink and black one :O! Nabbed them coz I couldn't decide at that point which color to get. Made a few calls to see who wanted me to grab em one while I was there xD too....I ended the night victorious! With my prize I retreated back to base to do more homework....u_ull I didn't pick up games till the following day after work ahaha...
To continue the Black Friday haul I did some major video game hauling. Like woah. I can't remember the last time I hauled games like this ): I think the last time may have been like idk a decade ago lol when I got my xbox and I got 3 games with it. But man the price of games have surely risen from then but the good news is. I got all these games for the price of 1 new game :o holler~ Thank you black friday! First up! Hakuouki Warriors of Shinsengumi. Duuude I didn't even think Aksys was going to license this and I completely forgot about it! Thankfully I was browsing twitter when Aksys announced 30% off their games, curious coz I still didn't have any games for my DS I took a peek and woah LOL yeah I ended up with a PSP game instead.
Gamestop had a buy 2 used get 1 free. Had to take advantage of that and since I was living under a rock I didn't even know Ninja Gaiden 3 came out qAq ahaha...and apparently this time you get 3 new playable characters. wnweoihneohnroehtheydidntyouthatin2!!! Also picked up CODE PRINCESS because, beat-em-up dungeon crawlers are the best and of course OF COURSE cooking mama loooo my brother got me Harvest Moon *w* I also forgot my friend gave me Persona Arena after PMX but I didn't get a chance to really play it till of course the week most of my projects are due I decide to get back into games..orz what is homework?...
And to continue the Black Friday haul adventure qAqll went to the mall with le friend after work just to see whats going on in terms of deals and sales as I kept getting messages from friends XD all over the place saying this and that is on sale. So I was curious to see what they got going. Grabbed a long tunic sweater hoodie from H&M (no picture) for $10. Not bad not bad. I wanted to hit up Forever21 to get more tights but then again I run through them like crazy coz for some reason I cannot just seem to keep them from ripping QwQ;; should stick to ebay then u__u
Went darker for the fall too, well, actually. I was trying to go with a purple tint to my red. I had slightly right around PMX ahaha...I initially mix 3 parts red and 1 part blue but I kinda did it 3:2 this time around and it turned a little darker than I had expected. Hoping it will fade out if not, bleach cap~ then I'll throw purple back on it again...

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