Sunday, April 25, 2010


I think I added an extra "L" that doesnt quite belong there...but whatever.

Every Asian kid fucking loves this shit <3>

Why is it you ask that I dont buy my own jar and my own loaf of bread?

Well. I cant possibly eat all the bread before it grows molds /: and…..

most importantly. That cost money >:P

ps: camera phone, sometimes you really suck at taking pictures.

Moving on.

Will I EVER get around to uploading those photos from EastCoast?! why the answer is......OMFG I DID. LOL.
BUT! I posted it on photobucket as a private one /: since their all raw files coz my Dad was bugging me about it =3=ll I figured I might as well show him the raw files /: baawww I need to go back and edit them and eventually make a proper -muchmuchmuchoverdue- eastcoast blog entry ;P I fail. because I just do.

udduuurrhuurrhuuur and I will also eventually get around to properly making a banner/layout dealio thingie /: maybe I'll ask Toshi to draw me something then xDll meh, eventually LOL.
like how that blog project and other stuff will also happen eventually /:

man. what the heck xDll

I woke up early today at 7 =.= coz I had to go to an EARLY morning appointment to look at apartments. /: I ran out in my sweats coz I was running late, came home and trashed my closet and chopped my hair (some more) LOL. In the end I still ended up with nothing LOL. And had to spend the rest of the day (after apartment hunting) cleaning up/procrastinating on cleaning up and spent a good 3 hrs on the phone with Shin talking about nonesense. Its good to finally talk to him again about silly nonesense things. And I realized, I've been pretty stupid alot. I just need to grow up. Theres alot of growing up to do still.

it was just one of those days where nothing worked LOL (outfit wise) XD gaah. Ahahaha.
=3=ll and I went to my brothers place to play with Johnnys puppy coz he brought it over and I got a chance to try God Of War 3. Yayers. xD want.

And I need to do my laundry and more cleaning of my room =3= but I think I'll end up spending tomorrow sleeping and catching up on more anime and mangas /: thats all ive been doing lol. Resting up I guess to say the least.

Super Street Fighter 4 comes out on Tuesday too~

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