Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I'M READY TO PUNCH b******* lol, you would too if you know the type of people or person I live with. I'm done. So done. If only! Another shameless upload just to fill this void becasue, really. I dont nothing interesting to say or show since I've lazied around again as far as shoots go. I know some people are already planning sakura shoots for when spring comes and when the cherry blossoms all start blooming again. I'm blank. Ideally I would like to shoot KNIFE Vocaloid but IDK. I don't really feel like sewing anything right now. No I do want to sew, I'm just not in the mood to sew when you don't have room to sew...kills any motivation I have....I still have bins and bins of fabric and stuff I can make and do with it but nothing has progressed since then...eagerly waiting to move to a bigger space so chaos can ensue and creativity too OwO

other than that...enjoy my shameless Instabits spam because...I got nothing else more interesting to talk about and text only posts are pretty boring....
and I'm dying from a hangover at, its probably more like boredom and the fact that the dog woke me up at 7am and I slept at 3.....yeah...

I really run out of things to talk about hahaha....I still haven't gotten around to getting the map pass for COD and I know I'm missing out hah. I would much rather get a 3DS at this point because of Harvest Moon and the Fire Emblem bundle. Oh well. So sad.  Boring posts is boring since I didn't do much lately but work work and work....orz and save for my lustlist right now and AX is coming up. IDK about Fanime. I know a lot of people are going /: sucks to be an adult with bills LOL.

 Chrome Hearts from Karma Loop! I was surprised they even carried Chrome Hearts, if you google 'karma loop reps' people are just throwing 20% off your order codes everywhere. Be sure to google before you place an order hah! I also went and ahead and tried to stretch my bottom lobes sloooowly. And I mean slowly. I got some 12g I bet I could have pushed for a 10 but I didn't want to go too much. Right now the 12g is a pretty good snug fit. I'm gonna try and push it to a 10g eventually. I kinda want to go for something bigger perhaps a 8g or 6g! Or get more piercings. I haven't gotten around to it yet because. Money. and I'm lazy to really care for them and cartilages hurt and takes forever to heal and I'm pretty careless orz

Some baking haul for valentines day~ my mom lost my unicorn cookie cutter but I found a BAT one! yeyeah! I also attempted to make matcha choco over the weekend, success but since the weather is unpredictable I'm afraid it would melt during shipment so I went ahead and just went with baking cookies and shipping those out for Valentines /: and I didn't make enough orz I had intended to sending some to a total of 4 people...only 2 got some LOL. So I'll probably do a re-do this weekend hahaha....

My favorite new game is called Line Pop from Line! Its on the android and itunes market. hurhurhur! Its basically a cutter version of Bejeweled but its also got a shorter time per game /: like a minute each round?!

HG foundation!! I can't believe its discontinued! nooooo I say this is as good as the Kat Von D matte foundation and for fraction of the price! I got mine off ebay for $11. Free shipping. Which is averagely how much you'd pay for most drug store foundation lately. I need to restock on these before I can never find any ): worse comes to worse, I'll switch to Kat Von D when this fully runs out. Medium to Heavy Coverage and it does finish to a powdery look but I still like to set it with powder to be sure. And unlike the new CoverGirl dupe, it doesnt oxidize (or at least not that I noticed it oxidizing at all on my skin and its not a pinky tone either. Forgiving for yellow under toned people)

Durping with dooooooooooooog <3 15-20="" a="" additional="" an="" and="" as="" boba="" despite="" distance="" drink="" drive="" dumbass="" for="" get="" gets="" having="" house....but.="" i="" in="" inside.="" is="" know="" lol="" meal="" milk="" mins="" my="" of="" one="" only="" option="" out="" p="" place="" pudding="" sd="" sells="" several="" shops="" shot="" taro="" tea="" that="" the="" this="" to="" waah.="" walking="" way="" within="" would="" yes="" you="">

And now for some shameless wishlist lust list that I'll eventually get these bad boys because its almost summer and you can't really wear boots as much as you want in the SoCal heat ):< and my platform boots are dead anyway >_> I haven't gotten around to replacing them. I mostly wear them to shows nowadays and not so much to cons as I use to. Oh well. Time to move up. or more like style change? blegh lol.

 Vivienne Westwood x Melissa Wing Sandals | Jeremy Scott Wing Ballet Flats

To be honest, when the Melissa sandals first came out I thought they looked ridiculously ugly lol. But it grew on me! They even come in different colors OwO and those flats! I've always luisted over them when they came out! I'm not a flats person because I'm short enough as it is! But their pretty easy to put on when you're rushing out the door! Want! 

HellCatPunks Fanny Pack | Romwe Cross Tattoo Tights | Glad News Sweater

Boy London

I pretty much just threw this here for a point of reference for now lol....yeah ironic before I would have lusted over Sex Pot Revenge and graphics and etc lol...I still love spr for their fun graphics and cut sews but ah the price tag (as if VW and Boy London isn't that pricey orz hahaha /gets slap/...I also like Listen Flavor >w<....I need more color in my life)

LOL, not a lot of people like fanny packs and etc, but do you have any idea how easy they are and they never get in the way?! LOL. I have a Sentimental Circus clip-on pouch that is so handy but it doesn't really work when your leggings or pants don't have belt loops to clip it on orz I can probably make one myself. Comes in handy when you go to shows but lately, I've been a hermit orz uwu why bother...

Tattoo tights are everywhere! But crossss and star ones are on my top of my list for the summer season~ sometimes wearing tights in the summer can be a pain too but yeah~ (and yet here this beezie is looking at sweaters and long sleeved shirts lawl. but then again me and Toshi are known to wear long sleeves, jackets and sweaters in the middle of summer. No one wants to get farmers tan or any tanner at all lol....)

Yeah, this is probably why I don't cosplay anymore lmao.......mhmm....orz

1 comment:

  1. 8g is still pretty small(I've got it too) so if you want, I'd go for 6g but basically anything smaller than 8g is past the point of no return lol
