/: my entries have become more and more spare lately /: mostly I guess coz I dont wanna bore anyone with just 'blablabla this is what I did' even though that is exactly what LJ is for. It just bores me looking back at my old journals when i write about nothing and it just saddens me that I live a very...well..repetitive cycled life D: gawd I hate it when things turn out like that. But sadly, that is what it is.
Today was just another one of those days. D: its a weekend and I didnt do anything! D: I got friday afternoon of thinking shin was going to come over but he ended up being stuck in Orange county till Satruday night and by the time he was leaving OC it was close to 10:30! :O fuck it! so I decided to tell him not to bother coming u_u *insert retarded arguement here*
lately I think we've been arguining alot more than normal. Not exactly arguing. But I guess mostly just me being selfish and stupid. I dont even really wanna go there anymore.
but yeah, today, slept in. Woke up. Got ready for the day only to do nothing! D: Phoebe came over for a bit coz she had to drop her brother off at Tae Kwon Do and she hanged out with me for 2 hrs in the morning. We went to Styles For Less (AS ALWAYS!) and I ended up getting a navy tank top with a nice graphic print with rhinetones on it. I kinda wished I got a size bigger than the one I got D: though the size I got was perfect. I want my tank tops just to be abit looser D: maybe I can go back there and exchange it for a size? but I'm feeling quite lazy about it now =__=ll and its not a big deal anyway. I'll just work out alittle bit more and make the tank top looser myself >__>ll
In hopes to not make things as boring I went to lunch with my brother and I ended up coming back to my grandma's to cook a shitload of pasta alfredo which I'll pack for lunch for the rest of the week D: since I'm too poor and making a whole batch of alfredo only cost me $3! D:
bt friday afternoon-night, WAS SO DAMN BORING! I should have just went to work and earned a few extra cash =___= uuggghhh sooo stupid and lame. I just ended up coming home from my first job, changing coz I thought it was going to rain (along the way I went and got new windshield wipers on my car coz I was afraid it would rain alot but it didnt!) and the guy working at the shop asked for my gamertag coz I was wearing my Gears of War T-shirt D: and I guess gamers ask for gamertags now instead of numbers hahaha! I didnt mindgiving it to him, he seemed nice, and he installed my wipers for me (coz I fail at it) hahaha. and this way I can play horde mode with someone new atleast D: and I know I wont be yelling at the stupid mic for someone to RESSSSSS.
yeah and after that, I went to Cotixan and waited for Mitchie and Christian and we just ate Carne Asada Fries. Bummed around and I drove to the Mall coz I was going to go to Michaels and pick up some iron-on sheet papers but when I got there, I didnt felt lke dishing out $10 for 5 sheets of that shit D: and I lost the drive to work on th designs for Coin Locker Babies anyway =___=
that was a waste of time and gas, we just got Dairy Queen so I guess all was not lost, and I got a new 3 month subscription to xbox live. I should really just buy a stupid year pass D:
the next day, phebes came over and I just ran errands with her. I got my car washed and I bummed around thinking Shin was going to come over later that night but of course plans fell through! D: and I went home and just packed up my room. Later that inight I was still under the impression he was coming so I didnt want to be stuck here at home when Chelsea was having abunch of her jock friends over for some drinks. I went out and bummed around my grandmas house but couldnt stand being there when my aunt is tere, she never made me felt at home or welcome or anything D: ugggh. Old hag. >_O
then we went to Johnny to play with his dog. GOD that dog has sooo much energy! jeez! surely made me feel so tired XD;; then yeah, went home and texted shin and..llong story short, we decided its not worth for him t come =__= more like, I'm sorry i'll ruin your plans if I cant make up my fucking mind coz I obviously dont know what i want! D:
and so that brings us yet to another 'wasted' weekend. I kinda wished I went to Sea World with Michelle and Christian on Saturday! >_< uggghh!
theres left over booze from Chelsea's party last night (omfg the first floor smelled so bad of hookah and beer earlier! D: Mr.E had to mop and drown the floor with febreeze just to get rid of the smell! I didnt even wanna see what the backyard looked like! :O
but yeeaahh theres Vanilla Flavored Vodka downstairs :O and I know Chelsea doesnt like Vodka as much >_o i'm tempted to ask her if I can have it LOL but! I remember that my stomach + alcohol = not good hahaha especially since I barely eat anymore D: I'd be scared to drink anything LOL not to mention its a sunday night, I work tomorrow, and I know I dont get tipsy or drunk. So thats not much of a worry but I like to wind down the night before I go to work coz its always a long week D: Not to mention its so freakin hot! alcohol would only make my body temp. higher and warmer =__= do.not.want.
lately I've been getting compliments on my makeup! :o lately I've beenwearing my makeup like so:
its mostly a brown leather color + smokey it out with black and some gold smudged together. I got the inspiration from Kat Von D's cover on the Sephora website! The eyeliner was inspired by Michelle Phan 8D
normally I'm lazy and just wear black eyeliner hahaha. I'm so lazy now, but lately I figured, why not just go the little extra mile to impress yourself? D: so I guess I'lll try wearing more eye color. And I've also been lazy to wear my contacts D: I wish I wear the mmore. Maybe I'll wake up alittle extra the next few days to put the extra little 3 mins that it takes me to put my contacts on hahaha just coz I used money on them and they shoud be used! D: and I keep admiring circle lenses online and keep telling myself how I want them. I shouldnt be wasting money on them if I dont plan on using them! :O The girl that works at the Styles for less boutique wears the blue nudy geos and they look so nice on her TAT
I wish I wouldnt be to lazy and just wear them hahaha. I use to wear mine all the time when I worked at Daiso. But since I've been working with abunch of guy at the new office, I just havent felt the need to dress up D: but no, I'm the office manager. I need to stop being so lazy even though we have such a chillaxed business outlook! hahahaha. I have nice clothes. I should use them LOL! (more like, Phoebe gave me bunch of her nice clothes that she doesnt wear as much anymore hahaha so I should show my appreciation by wearing them D: lol)
D: uggh my razr cant send pics from my cellphone to the internets anymore. I reaallly should get my stupid slider phone fixed! D: I miss that beautiful piece of shit hahahaha.
oh, speaking of makeup. Iunno, but some people have asked me if I'm interested in doing tutorails on makeup. Perosnally, I dont think I'm good enough to do that, that or I just dont have any confidence in myself to do it even though I've done shins makeup plenty of times for our photoshoots and I cannot express how many times people have asked me how the makeup on his cyber photoshoot (with the colorfull dreads) were done :O
youtube is just too intimidating when there are already other really good people on there hahaha that and I have yet to perfect the art of liquid eyeliner LOLOL! I still get messy sometimes! maybe when I'm really bored out of my mind I'll do some tutorials >_O
I asked phoebe when she comes over later to do my nails >D I'm not down to do any tips or acrylics since I cant stand them, but I wonder if she can do her nail art stuff on my nails hahaha. She use to do them al the time when we were in beauty school together >D
my fav. still had to be the leopard print she did, coz she used golds! >3
I really want GOLD eyeliner D:
the only one I found is by Hipp and its freakin $12 a pop! :O I might as well go to freakin sephora! jeez! D:
well, time to be nerdcore and play some halos and then watch me some depressing ass anime. Shinseki Evangelion/Neon Gnesis Evangelion. I keep telling myself I'd finish this anime and watch it in actual order. I've seen it but in broken order D: so, might as well just finally sit down and watch it! D: since we have the boxset D: